Russians planning a trip to Sri Lanka will be pleased with the free visas that the island’s government has introduced until March 31 next year. In addition to Russia, the changes will affect residents of six more countries.
The government of the island explained that the measure is necessary to increase the demand for tourism in the country. Recall that the draft law on the selective abolition of the visa fee was included in the list of issues discussed in October 2023.
The Ministry of Tourism of the island state told about cooperation with the Ministry of Public Safety in solving this issue. The departments came to a mutual establishment of a number of rules for tourists.
So, the deadlines for applying for an electronic visa have been introduced. Those entering the country are allowed to stay in the territory for up to 30 days, make a two-time visit to Sri Lanka from the day of their first arrival. At the same time, the period is also 30 days. Documents for visa extension from April 2024 are submitted only after payment of the fee.
Let us clarify that before the innovation, a confirmation of payment of the fee was required from a Russian traveling to Sri Lanka. Its size was 50-60 dollars. A tourist planning a trip went to a special portal, submitted documents and paid the fee electronically while in Russia.
There was another option – visa processing at the airport after arrival on the island. If there was a child under 12 years old, the visa remained free. An electronic application for a visa is submitted on the registration resource for tourists. The information specified in the passport is entered on the website, citizenship, day, month and year of birth are noted.
For those entering, a return ticket will be required, confirmation of the amount in the bank account sufficient to stay in Sri Lanka. The rules emphasize that with an electronic visa, a resident cannot work or start a business.